Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What will sleeping arrangements be like?

Sleeping arrangements depend on how you would like baby to be fed.

For instance, a fully breastfed baby should always be rooming in with the mother. Therefore, the confinement lady would be sleeping in the same room as mother and baby. Once the mother has fed baby (which is usually every 2 hours from the start of each feeding), the confinement lady can burp baby and change diapers before putting baby back to sleep.

A bottle-fed baby (whether it is formula milk or expressed breast milk) can sleep in the same room as the confinement lady, with the mother sleeping in another room if she prefers. A bottle-fed baby will be fully cared for in the night by the confinement lady, who will feed, burp and change the baby. In this way, the mother gets more rest during the night - needing only to wake up for a midnight pump if she is expressing breast milk.

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